The 360 Legal Services Plan is designed to assist businesses with basic legal services for a flat rate annual fee for matters included within the Plan as described below, and for other matters, at a reduced rate of representation.
- While the organization you list on the Legal Services Plan Registration i s the client we will be working for, we will only discuss matters related tothe legal service with your designated executive within your organization such as the owner, an officer such the President or Vice-President or Senior Level Manager. We do not represent the individual and instead only the rganization
- If a conflict arises either before the representation or during the course of services, we will immediately alert you and it may be necessary for us to decline working on the matter in accordance with the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct governing attorneys. In such case, your matter will be handled by another law firm but the terms and condition of the Plan document will still apply
The Plan is designed to assist through three types of services:
1. Phone or In-Personal Consultation with Michigan Licensed Attorney. This includes up to five (5) hours of phone and in-person consultation with a licensed attorney and the member’s authorized representative(s) on legal issues pertaining to the member’s business organization. The Plan is designed to address issues facing Michigan businesses other than those specifically excluded.
2. Document Review. Also included is the review of contracts, leases, deeds and mortgage documents as well as employee or
client handbooks.
3. Discounted Non-Plan Services. Attorneys are available to handle legal services on a discounted basis for matters not covered by the Plan which include criminal representation, divorce cases, bankruptcy filings or consultation, real estate closing, attendance at licensing or other hearings, tax counsel, and litigation.
Members in the Plan is available by providing the name, address, phone number, e-mail address as well as through paying the annual membership dues.
Services are pre-paid annually and are nonrefundable if membership is terminated for any reason by the Plan or by the member. Rates are subject to change at renewal of the Plan by the member. A separate rate brochure and other information are available by writing to the Plan at:
360 Legal Services Plan, C/O Hale & Hirn, PLLC
Attention: Melissa L. Hirn, Esq.,21500 Haggerty Rd., Ste. 140
Northville, MI 48167
Matters excluded from the plan but matters that can be referred to attorneys on a reduced rate basis are:
• Tax consultation or advice or return preparation / filing
• Real estate closings
• Bankruptcy matters
• Litigation, lawsuits or court appearances for civil or criminal matters.
• Appearance at administrative hearings such as nemployment, Michigan Department of Civil Rights / EEOC or Department of Labor (phone consultation is provided).
• Termination or suspension of social security benefits
• Probate proceedings
• Guardianships
• Estate planning services
• Name changes (phone advice and sample documents are included)
• Consumer complaint litigation
• Defending a garnishment (phone advice and document review are provided)
• IRS audits
• Lawsuits against insurers on insurance claims (phone advice and document review are provided)
• Medicare or Medicaid claims (phone advice and document review are provided)
• Appeals of legal or administrative matters (phone advice and document review is provided)
• Workers’ Compensation or Unemployment Claim filing or hearings (phone consultation and document review is provided).
• Union proceedings or hearings.
• Matters involving international law.
The Plan also reserves the right to refuse requested legal services which are deemed unreasonable, excessive or requested with improper motive.
The Plan can be accessed by calling 248-692-4012 between the hours of 7.30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time or as otherwise scheduled with the Plan’s attorneys.
Plan coverage ends 12 months after the effective date for the applicable year, unless terminated, but is renewable upon the agreement of the Plan and the Member,
In the event of termination, the annual fee is deemed to be nonrefundable.
The Plan may not be assigned or pledged to any other person or organization without the written approval of the Plan.
If you are dissatisfied with services provided for you or your business under the Plan, you may provide a written complaint to the Plan Administrator referred to in this document. The Administrator will respond to you in writing within ten (10) business days. You also may have other legal rights and remedies available to you.
The Chief Operating Officer of the Plan is Melissa
Hirn, J.D., Esq., She can be reached at 248-692-4012.
Call us at 248-321-8941 or email us today for additional information on how we can help you!